Sunday, 24 May 2015

Artificial Intelligence Assignment 2 -Solved

Click here to download it Short Questions Q1: Mention the types of knowledge  Q2: What is monotonic reasoning? Q3: When A* is optimal? Q4: What are the various types of informed search? Q5: Name any two AI languages Q6: What are semantic nets? Q7: What is non-monotonic reasoning? Q8: What is FOPL? Q9: What is A* Search? Q10: Give examples for heuristic search Long Questions Q1: Define heuristic search. Discuss benefits and short coming. Q2: Discuss the following heuristic search techniques. Explain the algorithm with the help of example. Best First Search  A* Algorithm Q3: Explain non-monotonic reasoning and discuss various logic related to it. Q4: Explain the difference between forward and backward reasoning and under what conditions each would be best to use for given set of problems. Q5: Write A* algorithm and explain how it is used to find minimal cost path

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